Solar System Resources Corporation Sp. z o. o.

Solar System Resources Corporation Sp. z o. o.

March 20


Student Space Mining Scientific Circle COSMODRILL is founded – Mr A. J. Zwierzyński one of person who initiate creating this organisation and with student start organize COSMODRILL SPACE DAY. Information in social media about this event leads to the founders of the Solar System Resources Corporation Sp. z o. o. company getting to know each other and starts their cooperation.

June 1

Space drilling projects finalized

Space drilling project finalized. Year 2016 – begining of boom in space industry. Space 2.0/4.0 : decreasing number of LEO commercial paylods launch. One of cofounders starts interesting in space mining. The participation of Mr. A. J. Zwierzyński (one of our co-founders and our CEO) in these projects provided the future company with unique know-how, which will be used in the future for the development of the company.

December 1

Space drilling projects starts

One of cofounders start working in leading position in two space drilling projects – one founded by European Space Agency (ESA). At this time only few teams on the world working on space drilling modules for future space mission. Solar System Resources Corporation Sp. z o. o. was established in 2020, but it is based on over 10 years of experience of its creators in the space industry. In particular, we have extensive experience in testing drilling devices for future space missions, which is needed to confirm in-situ deposits.

December 1

Early beginning

    One of cofounders starts working on university in the field related with oil & gas industry. Solar System Resources Corporation Sp. z o. o. was established in 2020, but it is based on over 10 years of experience of its creators in the space industry, as well as experience in the mining industry, which makes it easier for us to understand the challenges this industry is currently facing.